My starting point for setting up Ventilation was Running Inbetween, a seminar I led as part of engage International Summer School, Kilkenny, Ireland (July 2009).
During my seminar I worked with other delegates to examine how artists work with audiences or participants and institutions to mediate and produce art work. After sharing a number of images of bridges, diving boards, spring boards, barriers, ladders, ramps and ventilation systems I challenged delegates to draw or map the development of artist-led projects they were involved with. We then used these maps as a starting point to identify some of the systems, structures, strategies and roles that shaped the development of their work.
Artist Led Research Project (2009 ongoing)
Ventilation is a research project that I initiated in order to question how artists and institutions involve others in interacting with and producing art.

Ventilation Zine is an experimental publication I produce as part of my research involving artists, curators, producers and writers. For the first edition I invited contributors to respond to the theme of Running Inbetween which was launched as part of Spike Island’s Zine Fest, October 2009. Contributions included drawings, diagrams, a love letter and a Minotaur. There will be a call out for the second issue soon which will be themed around stealth.

Front and back cover

Front and back cover