North Stables Cafe
Orleans House Gallery, Richmond, London, (June – October 2007)
The overall aim of the project was to engage a key user group (families) in the site transformation by providing them with the opportunity to contribute to the development of the North Stables which now houses a café and heritage display.
In order to think about the future I encouraged participants to imagine the site of Orleans House Gallery as one that has been constantly changing since 1650.
The process involved drop in sessions during a Carnival event and three summer sessions exploring ideas for café menus, interiors for the North Stables Cafe and heritage treasure trail around the site. In September the research was shared and opened out to other visitors as part of a Heritage Day at Orleans House.
In response to the sessions with families I compiled a Consultation Report that includes workshop documentation, participants' art work, my findings and resource material. The report was presented it to the gallery team and future café operator.
The North Stables Café opened spring 2008.