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Community Engagement and Evaluation         

Liz Clarke and Company

(January 2017 - May 2018)


Liz Clarke invited me to work with her and Producer Ruth Holdsworth, as part of Research & Development for Cannonballista, funded by Arts Council Wales. Project partners include Riverfront (Newport), Wales Millennium Centre, The Sherman (Cardiff) and Disability Arts Cymru. Please go to Producer to find out more about my previous production work with Liz.


For this R&D, Liz invited participants to interact with Betty Bruiser's shed at Riverfront, as part of their International Women's Day celebrations (8th March 2017); she also facilitated a more in depth 3 hour taster workshop for 6 participants (11th March 2017).


My role was to develop a database of arts, health and community contacts, identify workshop participants and support Liz during International Women's Day and the taster workshop. I was also responsible for devising and delivering an evaluation strategy. At beginning of the R&D, I agreed an Outcomes Framework, that enabled me to capture and evaluate a range of data, documentation and feedback about; the project structure, participants' experiences, access, artistic quality and the future potential for this work.


My final Evaluation Report R&D phase informed successful funding applications to support the tour of Cannonballista, in South Wales, Autumn 2017 to Spring 2018. Venues included The Riverfront (Newport, Arts), Alive (Crickhowell) and The Sherman (Cardiff).  I worked closely with Liz Clarke to produce Cannonballista Workshop Programme - Information for Organisations; this document  was based on our learning from the R&D, and is the first step in developing our guide to best practice, for working across arts and mental health sectors.

© 2016 by Frances Bossom

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